Madrasah Examinations

Madrasah Examinations

Assalāmu`alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I pray to Allah that you are in the best of health and īmān. Insha’allah, the final examinations will be taking place next week. We strongly encourage you to help your children revise at home. Please note the dates:

Weekday Exam Dates

  1. Wednesday 04 July 2018 | Islamic Studies – various subjects (written)
  2. Thursday 05 July 2018 | Tajweed – Qa`idah, Tajweed Book, Amma and Qur’an
  3. Friday 06 July 2018 | Memorisation – Surahs and Du`as

Weekend Exam Dates

  1. Saturday 07 July 2018 | Tajweed & Memorisation
  2. Sunday 08 July 2018 | Islamic Studies & Arabic (written)
  • Please bring a pen for the written exam. Class 1’s exam will not be written.
  • Hifz Class will have exam on Wednesday and Friday. They must attend on Thursday for revision.
  • Classes 3A (girls) and 7B (girls) will have memorisation on Thursday and Tajweed on Friday.

Jazakumullahu Khaira

(Ml) Huzaifa
Head Teacher

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