Jumu’ah Salaah in Lockdown

Jumu’ah Salaah in Lockdown

Jumu’ah Salaah in Lockdown
Masjid Abu Bakr

Today sadly will be the first time we are unable to hold regular Jumu’ah prayers for the community. We all should make du’a to Allah for this virus to be lifted from mankind so that we can return to normality.

We advise people to perform their Salaahs at home in congregation with their families.

Jumu’ah or Dhuhr Salaah?

The general guidance is to perform Dhuhr Salaah at home in congregation (or individually).

However if there are FOUR MEN present and you are confident with arranging Jumu’ah for the household, you may do so under the current circumstances.

Women may perform their Salaah with congregation behind the male rows.

Tune in to Masjid Abu Bakr:
Radio – 446.225 MHz
Facebook – MasjidAbuBakr1

Listen to English Speech followed by Khutbah and Salaah from 11:50 today Fri 27/03/2020 (online)

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