Assalam O Alaikum
We pray everyone is in the best of health and Imaan.
The government has announced places of worship are open to individual prayers including Masajids. This announcement has been enthusiastically received by the community. However, after seeking guidance from Ulema, doctors and due to the practical challenges faced by Masjid Abu Bakr, with regret Masjid Abu Bakr will remain closed.
The challenge is not just limited to resources (space & volunteers) but the enforcement of guidelines which has proven to be very difficult with the masjid narrow entrance and small hall.
We must remind ourselves the current threat level of the virus is still “Level 4 ”, just one down from Critical level. Therefore, as a whole community we must continue to remain vigilant to ensure one’s own safety and others around us, especially the vulnerable one amongst us.
As congregational prayers are not permitted in places of worship, Masjid Abu Bakr will remain closed to the public. However, we are preparing to open the Masjid safely for all in the coming weeks, with this date yet to be confirmed. The restrictions will be reviewed regularly and further guidance will be issued as and when necessary.
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JazakAllah Khair
Masjid Abu Bakr Management