🕌 Masjid Abu Bakr will be re-opening insha’Allah! 🕌
As salaamu alaykum
We hope you have been keeping well in these uncertain times.
Alhamdulillah by the Mercy of Allah we will be opening the Masjid on Saturday 4th July 2020.
A lot of planning and risk assessments have gone on to make sure that our community will be kept safe when the Masjid opens again.
In accordance with the latest advice from the Government and Muslim Council of Britain, we will be starting with a phased re-opening of the Masjid.
We will only be open for Dhuhr and Asr Salaah insha’Allah.
For things to run smoothly and efficiently we ask you to follow a few rules to keep everyone safe, as Coronavirus has not gone away and we do not wish for a second wave of the virus to afflict our community causing the Masaajid to shut again.
Please note:
- The Masjid will only be open for Dhuhr and Asr Salaah. Please pray your Sunnah and Nafl at home.
- Those between the ages of 12-69 years old may attend the Masjid.
- The Masjid will only have limited spaces for prayer. A sign will beput up on the front gates of the Masjid when the Masjid is full.
- There are no wudu facilities at the Masjid, please come to the Masjid in the state of wudu.
- Wear a face mask.
- Keep a 2m distance between yourself and others.
- Use hand sanitizer which will be provided upon reaching the Masjid.
- Pray in the designated areas only.
- Avoid all physical contact such as shaking hands and hugging etc.
- Walk in and out of the Masjid in an orderly line.
- Do not crowd in the Masjid or outside of the Masjid. Leave straight away after Salaah has finished.
- Failure to adhere to rules, will result in denied entry into the Masjid
We have full faith that our community will support our decisions that have been made in these times, and will follow the rules. We hope and trust that you will continue your support and cooperation to ensure that our Masjid is a safe and peaceful place of worship.
🤲🏼 May Allah grant us ease in this situation we are facing, so we may return back to normal. Ameen. 🤲🏼
Jazakamullahu khayrun.
Masjid Abu Bakr Committee.