Thursday 16th July 2020
As salaamu alaykum
Masjid Abu Bakr is happy to announce that we will be starting Esha Jamaat again from tonight!
Esha Jamaat time will be at 10:30pm.
This means Duhr, Asar and Esha Jamaat will be taking place from now on at the Masjid.
We will commence Fajr and Maghrib Jamaat again in the coming weeks, insha’Allah.
Things to remember:
– Wear your facemask
– Make Wudu from home
– Sanitise your hands after taking off your shoes
– Keep your social distance
– No physical contact
Who cannot attend:
– No under 12s
– No over 70s
– If you are shielding
– If you are showing symptoms of Coronavirus
Jazakamullahu Khayr.
Masjid Abu Bakr.