Eid Announcement – Declaration for the month of Shawwāl  1444   

Eid Announcement – Declaration for the month of Shawwāl  1444   


Declaration for the month of Shawwāl  1444   

Local Sighting Report: Negative

Foreign Sighting Report: Negative 

Therefore, the Islamic month of Ramaḍān will complete 30 days and the first day of Shawwāl will be Saturday, 22nd April 2023.

Eid will be on Saturday 22nd April 2023. 

Masjid Abu Bakr would like to wish you and your families a lovely Eid inshaAllah. 

May Allah accept our efforts and forgive our sins, Ameen. 

Eid Salaah timings: 

Fajr Salaah – 5:15am

1st Eid Salaah – 6:15am

2nd Eid Salaah – 8:15am

Masjid Abu Bakr E17

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