Ramadan Qur’an Circle – For Boys & Girls 11+


Ramadan Qur’an Circle – For Boys & Girls 11+


“A book we have revealed to you, abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those endowed with understanding may be mindful.” 38:29

FREE sessions for Girls aged 11+
We invite all girls who can recite the Qur’an to join us for weekly circles this Ramadan.

Registration required:
(Limited spaces)

Sun 17 March 4:45
Sun 24 March 5:00
Sun 31 March 6:15
Sun 07 April 6:30

The sessions will aim for weekly Quran completions followed by collective Dua and shared Iftaar.

FREE sessions for Boys aged 11+
We invite all girls who can recite the Qur’an to join us for weekly circles this Ramadan.

They will join the Bayan after Asr then participate in a Quran recitation circle aiming for a Qur’an completion. Every session will be followed by collective Dua and shared Iftaar.

Registration required:
(Limited spaces)

Sat 16 March 5:00
Sat 23 March 5:15
Sat 30 March 5:15
Sat 06 April 6:30

The sessions will aim for weekly Quran completions followed by collective Dua and shared Iftaar.

Insha’Allah it will be an opportunity for the boys & girls to reap abundant rewards in a spiritually uplifting environment were our īmān will be boosted and taqwa increased.


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